Pramod Bohara

Pramod is a 7 years old physically disabled boy coming from Chakheli Village Municipality of Ward # 1 of Humla district. He is survivor of burnt case. He lost his 3 fingers of right hand, 2 fingers of left hand and also damaged some part of his left face. His father died when he was small and his mother is taking care of him. There are two members in his family. They are mother, and himself.

The Bohara family does not have land, so, his mother smashes the stone in the banks of river. The incomes hardly cover for the Bohara family. But, his mother could not pay the education cost of Promod. Therefore, his mother brought him to Tri-Netra Foundation at the end of Chaitra 2078.for education, food and resident support.

He is studying in grade 1 at Belmont International School, Samakhushi, Town Planning, Kathmandu.